The recent election was not so much a product of a vast left-wing conspiracy, or even Republican ineptitude. It wasn't even a victory of leftist, Socialist, or Marxist ideas. It was a Personality cult run amok, fueled by White guilt, and promises to the masses.
And yes Virginia, there are some Obama Koolaid Drinkers.
Not everyone who voted for Obama is a Koolaid Drinker. There are those who genuinely support a liberal politic. The are in favor of wealth redistribution because, after all, the wealthy are making their millions on the backs of the working class, and by taking advantage of the underclass. They believe that the government's role is to provide for the "poor" and produce social programs that insure not only food and shelter, but health care, education (to any level desired), retirement, a car, a vacation, a large screen TV....but I digress.
These people voted for Obama out of principle and I applaud them for their thought-out convictions and participation in the peaceable transfer of power.
Then there are those who bought into the cult of Barack Hussein Obama. The Koolaid drinkers greedily drank in His personality, the way he delivers his lines, his winning smile, his beautiful family, and maybe most important of all he is the Anti-Bush.
He would have kept us out of Iraq, even though we have been defeating terrorism there, and there were in fact WMD's. (Sarin Gas and Yellow-cake plutonium to name a couple). He will provide for the poor. (How, doesn't matter, it just needs to happen). He wants us all to come together as one in one Brave New World. Isn't that wonderful? As Peggy the Moocher said on national TV, she won't ever have to worry about food or a car payment again. Hallelujah!
When the "crisis" hit McCain lost his lead and never got it back. The undecided's, who I just don't think are very bright about this kind of stuff anyway, swang to the New messiah. (Pardon me if I use a little "m" for that title.) IF they were voting political convictions they wouldn't be undecided that close to an election.
Surely each party had a few folks that didn't want to support their party's candidate, but they would most likely stay home if they were truly voting convictions.
What convictions you ask?
Well there are the liberal convictions listed above. Some people really believe that Karl Marx was smarter than our founding fathers.
Then there are the Conservative Convictions; (notice I didn't say Republican) that the economy is run by the marketplace not government. The definition of Capitalism is not a constructed economic policy or way of doing things, its Economic FREEDOM!
There is the conviction that the federal government should defend this country against all hostility at home or abroad.
There is the conviction that Government has no right to overturn the only definition of marriage this world has ever know.
There is the conviction that Life is sacred, as even our constitution recognizes, and that the unborn need protection from murder.
There is the conviction that tax money is the property of the people who are loaning it to the government to use wisely and in upholding the constitution. It is to make all our lives better through national defense, sound courts, a representative government, and defending human rights, no matter of race, creed, or gender.
Everything else is optional! Public schools? Nice idea but optional. Highways-great! But Optional. Care for the poorest and disabled? Wonderful-but optional!
Remember every tax dollar given is done at the end of a gun. Why? Just stop paying taxes and find out! Therefore, since the state uses coercion to raise its funds, it ought to at least stick to the constitution.
Should the wealthiest country in the world abide people dying of hunger or lack of basic health care? Of course not. That's a travesty. Will we rise to the occasion to take care of those poor and disadvantaged? Yes! We have and we will.
But the Koolaid drinkers didn't think about all this. They just decided it was time for a Black Man to get elected.
And personally I think that's wonderful! I'm happy to see a person of color with the middle name Hussein in the white House.
Now, if we can just keep him from screwing up The USA!
Or freedoms will be lost, our borders will be less safe, and babies will die!
(These are my personal opinions and do not represent the opinions of my fellow church members or denomination.)
Friday, February 21, 2025
1 day ago
Well, he's a little sarcastic, but he's also very smart!! If I say so myself.
ReplyDeleteNow, Clark. You're an educated man. I disagree with much of your post, but you're entitled to your beliefs.
ReplyDeleteBut this,
"There is the conviction that Government has no right to overturn the only definition of marriage this world has ever know."
is incorrect. I don't even know if I should go get links to prove my point, because I don't see how you could possibly not know that your statement is incorrect.
Marriage between 1 man and 1 woman is not the only definition of marriage this world has ever known. Perhaps it is the only acceptable definition of your religion, but Christianity is not the world.
ps- Hi! This is Lynda. Lissa and I used to be BFFs in HS. Luckily I didn't corrupt her with my queer, liberal, godless ways. ;-)
Well actually I think its pretty accurate. Some cultures did spiral down into rampant homosexuality before going completely "under." I suggest the spartans and Roman armies as two examples. But in southeast asia, middle east, far east, the standard has without a doubt been one man one woman. (after that; one man, several women.) Not that there haven't been the occasional exceptions to the rule.
ReplyDeleteOf course this doesn't mean I support capital punishment, or ANY punishment for people of 'queer' leanings.
But let me be very frank here. I know that female gays are often faithful for the rest of their lives. I also know that male gays are not. They are rarely monogamous. Even among heterosexuals the males are more often unfaithful to their partners than the females. I'm not talking baseless assumptions here I'm talking reality. These gay males who change partners frequently are not interested in long term marital commitments. Not really. they may say they are, they may want the right, but by and large they don't want the responsibility. And with their perversions, its a wonder that there haven't been more aids deaths than there have been. If they were monogamous the aids thing wouldn't be so bad would it? I just bring this up as more evidence that homosexuality is a perversion of what is normal and healthy.
Well, I feel compelled to add that I considered myself neither queer nor godless back in HS. I was once a Baptist, too... :)
ReplyDeleteI don't really feel like I can respond to your post very well. If you really believe that gay people are unfaithful perversions, I don't see how we can have a reasonable discourse. Your gross generalization of how gays are is unfair considering that I doubt there are many gays in your Southern Baptist life. Your observation of gays on television or second hand from other people doesn't count.
To say that gay men don't want marriage is an assertion that you're not qualified to make. No one can make that kind of blanket statement for a group. It would be like saying that Christians want or don't want gay marriage. There are as many varied opinions among Christians as there are among gays. They're all people. "Gay men" is not an autonomous collective. ;)
Anyway, in terms of same sex unions throughout history, you're leaving out the histories of those unions in China, Japan and in Native American tribes as well as (allegedly) in the Eastern Orthodox Church in Europe, way way back in the day.
And 1 man + many women is another alternate definition of marriage that I was referring to. You can't call the current definition of marriage the only one the world has known, when you know that polygamy has been common in many cultures for as long as marriage has existed.
Sorry, this got a little long winded. ;) But it's something I feel passionate about. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs on homosexuality, I just struggle to find where the bible, as seen today, supports it. Do you follow the letter of the law for the rest of the rules in Leviticus? Don't make me come look for blended fiber clothing in your closet....
Boo said: "If you really believe that gay people are unfaithful perversions, I don't see how we can have a reasonable discourse. Your gross generalization of how gays are is unfair considering that I doubt there are many gays in your Southern Baptist life."
ReplyDeleteLinda linda linda, there you go again...
(that was a little Reagan impersonation.)
OK, the Bible says they who practice homosexuality are a perversion. And, yes I believe the Bible. No, there aren't many gays in SBC life, at least that are honest about it. But, 1. I have known gay people. 2. I know men. 3. I have studied psychology and counseling and in the process I've read several studies of homosexual behavior. These were NOT SBC stuidies but conducted by reputable Universities etc. So, you can say I'm guilty of gross generalisations if you want but I've seen the data.
Now, you said, "To say that gay men don't want marriage is an assertion that you're not qualified to make. No one can make that kind of blanket statement for a group.:"
You're right, in that it is my opinion and I don't mean that NO gay men want marriage, but I stand by my opinion that most aren't really interested in it. Ever been to a gay bar? (OK dumb question) But their existence to a certain degree reinforces my point.
(By the way, while I've never been gay or practiced homosexual behavior-except for one queer who kissed me on the lips years ago- that doesn't mean I don't know anything about alternated lifestyles and sin in general.)
You said, "And 1 man + many women is another alternate definition of marriage that I was referring to. You can't call the current definition of marriage the only one the world has known, when you know that polygamy has been common in many cultures for as long as marriage has existed."
True, The current 1 man 1 woman is not the ONLY definition the world has known, but 1 man x# women is a far cry from homosexuality.
As far as the randon occurences of socially accepted homosexuality they are incredibly rare and testify to the downward spiral of human morality. (Opps theres my opinion again.)
But concerning polygamy, Jesus plainly says it was never God's intent in the first place. God's plan as Jesus incredibly plainly states it is 1 man and 1 woman, till death do they part.
Now you could say Jesus was right on a lot of things but missed it here but of course you wouldn't cause that would be dishonest. Jesus was either who he claimed to be, and right on everything he said or he was a raving lunatic.
ONE more thing, I always love the old, "Are you keeping Leviticus in every way argument" except that it shows a misunderstanding of scripture. There are several answers to this but the simple one is this: Jesus did not institue the new covenant for all his folloowers to obey the law. The Old Testament law is a guideline for believers, but, for instance, we know longer are required to offer animal sacrifices. (Boy is PETA glad.) However, the New Testament scriptures point out to us very clearly that Jesus' fulfilling the law doesn't totally set aside the law. There is still sin. Man lying with a man as man would lie with a woman is still a sin. Man lying with a woman who is not his wife is a sin. Man not taking proper care of his family is a sin. etc etc.
So, I've responded to your argument that I don't know anything about gays and therefor shouldn't express and informed opinion I've answered.
The issues around the historicity of homosexuality I've addressed and I think we have a tiny bit of agreement there, but weight the facts differently.
Fianally, YES of course everyone is entitled to their own beliefs on homosexuality. It is a wonderfully free country. Hopefully Obama won't screw that up.
There are many gays today and others who are perfectly OK with it. There are many gays today who are devastated and enslaved by it. There are some who recognize their sexual orientation is homosexual and out of faithfulness to God stay celibate.
As for blended fibers I really prefer a cotton poly blend that is about 60/40.
luv ya!
PS...I wanted to add something else. Being against gay marriage may be coinsidered gay bashing by some, I understand that. But in my heart I don't want them to be killed or fired, or evicted from their hones for being gay. THe fact is I want to love them like Jesus loved the woman caught in adultery. Another sin punishable by death under the OT law. But he loved her. He forgave her. He encouraged her to do the right thing.
I can't forgive gay people, I'm not God. (Really!) But I can tell people that God does in fact love them, and will forgive them, and will tell them to sin no more. But He will also give the help and the moral strength to obey and to be freed from the bondage of sin; in any of its forms.