Friday, December 11, 2009

You Can't Keep Christ Out of Christmas

Every time someone says Christmas they say Christ.
I have never heard anyone say, Happy X-Mas. I've heard Happy Holidays, I've heard Feliz Navidad, which doesn't actually mention Christ, but its given that's what it means. The Bible never says, "Thou shalt celebrate my birthday." I don't think He minds when our celebration is true and sincere. When our worship is pure, Christ is honored.
Do you expect the world to worship Christ? They can't, its not in them to do it. Saying nice things about Jesus is not true worship. Unless one owns Him as Savior and Lord, any acclaim of Christ is at best a polite sin. Do you expect the world to honor Christ just because you do and it's Christmastime? Why? Do they owe it to you? The Bible never says that! In fact, the Bible says we owe all men the love of God which He shared with us.
Its not the state's job to put up nativity scenes. It's not anybody's "job." If the church wants to do it as a witness for Christ thats great. But don't expect or insist that the world does it.
Its not the job of the employee at Wal-Mart to say Merry Christmas. If they want to they should be allowed. Or if they want to say Happy Kwanzaa, I say let them. That would possibly open up doors to witness to a Kwanzaa celebrator. Or someone may wish me a Happy Hannukah, or even, (gasp) a festive Ramadan.
Its the church's job to proclaim Christ. Not the department stores, not places like the Gap, Starbucks, Penny's, or Abercrombie and Fitch! In fact, that last store has been so offensive I would probably be offended if they DID wish me a flippant Merry Christmas.
There are many people trying to get merchants to honor Christmas. You have a right to do that. I think boycotting companies for any number of reasons is a great american past-time. Its just that I don't get it.
This world is no longer "Slouching toward Gomorrah," Its running down the road to hell as fast as it can. The whole "Keep Christ in Christmas" effort seems a waste of time and paints the church as a bunch of ornery red-necks. I KNOW YOU ARE NOT ORNERY! But what else is the world suppose to think.
Do I wish people would lighten up about the whole Merry Christmas thing? Yes, both sides. Atheists shouldn't be offended if people express their faith, neither should Jews or Muslims. But then, neither should Christians.
I wish merchants would post a sign on their door that says this:

DANGER, clerks may wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy Holiday, or any of several wishes that you be of good cheer. We only want to give you the freedom to reply according to your own beliefs, or not reply at all. Its OK!

But till they do, Christians can set the stage for love and tolerance of other's beliefs.

1 comment:

  1. Hey this was awesome! I never thought of it this way. It's NOT their job, it's OUR job, and of course Satan is trying to get Christmas to be as unchristian as possible. He's not going to mess with Ramadan, Kwanzaa or Hanukkah. Thanks for this! Preach it!


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